
Sreetam Das

Open source aficionado who loves minimalist interfaces and component based, deterministic development.


Remote, remote β€” Senior Frontend Engineer II, Dec 2023 - present

  • Lead development of major team-scoped projects, participate in cross-team and company-wide initiatives

Senior Frontend Engineer I, Dec 2021 - Dec 2023

  • Implementing, maintaining and improving our software platforms
  • Monitoring performance and other metrics with tools like Sentry, ContentKing, Ahrefs, VWO, DataDog, etc. and working with Google Tag Manager, Prismic, HubSpot, Mailgun and Litmus
  • Ownership of multiple domain assets from conception to delivery
  • Handling timely requests from various stakeholders

Frontend Engineer, Nov 2020 - Dec 2021

  • Building with performance, accessibility and API design in mind
  • Developed integrations with third party services including GraphQL
  • Contributed to the shared component library
  • Own and maintain multiple domains within the team’s responsibility
  • Migrated an Elixir/Phoenix app to a modern React/Next.js stack

Microland, Bengaluru β€” Associate Tech Architect, Jul 2018 - Oct 2020

  • Module Lead for UI development: Rewrote codebase with React, Redux and TypeScript, as well as Websockets, Styled-components and Jest
  • Handled product pipeline across Google Cloud Platform using Python and Google PubSub

Intern, May 2017 - Jul 2017

  • Worked with Python and APIs
  • Web scraping and automation using PhantomJS


  • sreetamdas.com: personal website built with Next.js, TypeScript and friends; open-sourced
  • Newsletter: weekly issues with content from the JavaScript and web development world, and mechanical keyboards
  • Greenscreen: using HTML Canvas API, also presented at a conference
  • Karma: a colourful VS Code theme with 18000+ installs
  • 2048: in C++ in a day


React, CSS, Next.js, Redux, NodeJS, TypeScript, Elixir, Python and Styled-components


Developer experience, local-first offline apps, performance
Mechanical keyboards, quizzing & CS



Site of the Day - Mar 30, 2024

Advent of Code

Solved in Elixir and TypeScript

React Day, India

Building a greenscreen with React and HTML elements and The perfect dark mode

Google Foobar

Invited twice, cleared level 4

Quiz club, NIT Warangal

General Secretary, authored and proctored dozens of quizzes


Bronze and Silver in Week of Code


Fluent in English, Hindi and Odia


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