
💜 I'm back and well!

#23 August 24, 2021

Hello there!

I'm back from my bout with Dengue fever! I spent a couple of days at the hospital under observation to make sure that I went into the recovery phase, and my blood platelet count is finally increasing again. 🙌

This whole episode made me realize just how grateful I am for so, so many things in my life — my mom who took take care of me and my brother throughout the week, my girlfriend who made sure I was taking care of myself, and Remote for being able to stay away from work without a worry. 😅

📚 To read

👀 Some more cool stuff

⌨️ Keyboards

Bear65 with GMK Shoko Bear65 with GMK Shoko

Matrix 2.0 Add with GMK Modern Dolch Light Matrix 2.0 Add with GMK Modern Dolch Light

That's all for now, have a great week! If you're in India and over the age of 18, please get vaccinated asap :)

Stay safe 🤞


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