
A broken live component, no more!

#10 June 1, 2021

Hello there!

I resolved a bug in the live component that I'd shared last week — thanks to Shubham for pointing it out! The bug would cause any modifications that you'd made to be cleared when you would change the theme 😅

Here's the commit if you'd like to take a look :)

To read


KAM Li'l Dragon (render of an upcoming keycaps set) KAM Li'l Dragon (render of an upcoming keycaps set)

Portico with EPBT Ivory Portico with EPBT Ivory

I got vaccinated yesterday, and oh boy was it an experience!

That's all for now, have a great week! If you're in India and over the age of 18, please get vaccinated asap :)

Stay safe 🤞


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